How to Pick a Real Estate Agent

How to Pick a Real Estate Agent

Picking an agent that doesn’t have a strategy and method to sell your home can make the entire process a stressful one. If you’ve ever wondered How to pick a real estate agent, then hopefully this will be a helpful guide for you.

Obviously, picking someone you trust is a big part of choosing an agent. But more important than even that, is picking an agent that has a strategy and a proven method to help sell your home.

If the agent you’re considering using doesn’t have a specific strategy they are going to use to market and sell your home, it’s probably a good idea to talk to a few more agents until you find one that does.

Many agents rely on a strategy of just putting it on the MLS and waiting for other agents to bring their buyers and hopefully make an offer on your home.  When you’re picking a real estate agent to work with to sell your home it’s critical that they have a plan and strategy in place to go out and find those buyer directly rather than just wait for the other agents in town to bring them in.

I’ve put together a comprehensive marketing plan that I implement for every homeowner I work with. I specifically make an effort to tell the story of their home and make sure it is marketed to the maximum number of buyers possible.

If you’d like a full copy of my exact plan I use to Tell the Story or your home and reach 10’s of thousands of buyers you can download it here:   The Tell Your Story Method 

I hope this has been a helpful intro to answering the question of How to Pick a Real Estate Agent.