Most Real Estate Videos are Boring

Most real estate videos are boring. In today’s modern world people need to have their attention captured in the first 3-5 seconds of a video, typically referred to as a “hook”.  However, if you’ve ever watched any number of real estate videos you’ve probably noticed yourself fast forwarding to get to the “good parts”.

Most videos start with 30 seconds of exterior and even drove shots, these are boring and really need to be much much shorter in most cases.

The absolute best videos start with an agent that is excited about the home, tells the viewer something amazing about it, and gives them a reason to stick around to the end of the video. This gets the viewer engaged, and with the right hook will keep them involved and watching the whole video.

Agents end up spending a lot of money to get videos done that almost never get watched. If you’re thinking about selling your home and want to see what a good, engaging video looks like, here are 3 examples.